Laboratory of Microbiologic Medicinal Chemistry

From the clarification of microbial recognition response by innate immunity to drug discovery

  1. Research of innate immune recognition response
    The immune system is activated by recognizing lipopolysaccharide, the main body of endotoxins, and various cell-specific components. This mechanism, called the innate immune response, is responsible for the initial immune response. We are researching the details of the lipopolysaccharide structure that causes activation, bacterial lipids other than lipopolysaccharide that induce activation, and the mechanism of activation molecules.
  2. Research on antibacterial peptides
    Antibacterial peptides are biological defense substances responsible for natural immunity, and are present in a wide number of multicellular organisms. They are also multifunctional peptides known to display various physiological activities for antibacterial activity as well as the host. We are proceeding with research regarding the exploration and research of useful peptides as a resource that contains insects, etc., which are rich in antibacterial peptides.


Laboratory Introduction