English Chat Room


国際課では、学生の皆さんにネイティブスピーカーとの英語を気軽に楽しんでもらおうという趣旨で、「English Chat Room」を開設しています。英語での会話を楽しみながら、学生諸姉のフレンドリーな集まりとなることをめざしています。英会話にはあまり自信がないけど、ネイティブの人と話してみたい、海外のことも知りたいし、日本のことも教えてあげたい・・・。こんな人たちのご参加を期待しています。もちろん、初心者大歓迎です!



日時 9月27日(金)~12月27日(金)の毎週火・金曜日(休講日を除く)(予定)
場所 Chat Room(聡恵館2階)
リーダー Ms. Betty Kwan(火曜日)
Ms. Kari Miyano(金曜日)


日時 9月30日(月)~12月19日(木)の毎週月・木曜日(休講日を除く)(予定)
場所 グローバルラウンジ(楽真館1階)
リーダー Mr. Jay Crystall(月曜日)
Ms. Irina Smykovskaya(木曜日)

(Microsoft Teams)



リーダー Mr. John Michael Martinez(水曜日)
内容 参加者の関心や英語力に合せてテーマを選び、リーダーと共に英語で会話を楽しむ場です。
参加費 無料
参加資格 本学在学生(大学院生を含みます)
参加人数 1セッションにつき6名
参加方法 <対面>国際課内の予約表に、事前に必要事項を記入し予約してください。各実施日の2週間前より予約可能です。



Ms. Kari Miyano
Hello everyone, I’m Kari Miyano from America. 
I enjoy helping students of all levels improve their English. I will give you personal help with speaking, writing, listening and/or reading. You can work on the area you want. If you come, your confidence in English will grow and we’ll enjoy learning together.



Ms. Brandy Nakamura
Hello! I’m Brandy Nakamura. I’m from West Virginia in the United States. I moved to Kyotanabe City, Japan with my husband and children in 2010, and I have been teaching conversational English since I arrived here. My students have ranged in age from 3 years old to 77 years old. English can be enjoyable for all ages! I love helping students learn how to express themselves effectively and develop a deeper level of communication. I think language is best learned while having fun! 



Mr. Jay Crystall
Hi There!
My name is Jay Crystall. I'm originally from New York, and proud to call Japan my new home for 9 years. I've been teaching at Doshisha for 6 years and started my own education based business in Kyoto. I'm deeply committed to helping students develop confident English communication skills and to build bridges of culture and understanding to and from Japan. I recently published a book about a foreigner's experiences and perspective on modern day Japan. Additionally, I perform, record and have many videos of my original music online. Let's study!



Mr. John Michael Martinez
Hello! My name is John Michael Martinez. I was born in the US in Texas but I grew up in California. I've really lived all over the West Coast in the US though; from LA to San Francisco to Seattle. If you need any travel tips for the USA, feel free to ask me! I've lived in Japan for almost three years now, and I'm currently based in Tokyo. My favorite thing to do is to adventure, explore new places, and meet new people. So far, Amami Oshima, Beppu, and Kyoto have been my favorite places that I've visited here in Japan. I'm always open to new travel recommendations, so let me know if you have any! I look forward to studying English and getting to know one another!



Ms. Irina Smykovskaya
Dear Students!
My name is Irina Smykovskaya, please call me イリーナ先生, and from this September I will be your Thursday chat room teacher. I live in Kyoto with my family and many-many pets. I love nature, traveling, and studying.. Yes, all my life I kept studying something, just recently I became a yoga instructor and now I’m working on my PhD dissertation at Kyoto University, so I’m a student just like you:). Also, I’ve been teaching English for many years at High Schools and Universities, and taught many courses on communication, listening, academic writing and advanced TOEFL.
My father is a classical musician and all my childhood I had to travel and deal with numerous languages, like Spanish, French, English, Japanese, Russian and even Arabic. From my personal experience, I know how hard it is to learn foreign languages. It’s a very long and tiring process, which in my opinion can never end, because the more you learn the more tricky it becomes. In this chat room I would like to share my personal experience as a L2 learner, teacher, and even a translator, and give you as many practical tips as I know to achieve each of your goals. I’m really looking forward to meeting you all♪
