

担当:Lisa Rogers 教授

2024年7月10日CASEプログラム学科講演会: 「イギリスでのジェンダー」

2024年7月10日、Amelia Stewart-ParkerさんがCASEプログラムの学生を対象に「イギリスのジェンダー」と題したワークショップを行いました。


July 10, 2024 CASE Program Event: Gender in the UK

On July 10, 2024, Amelia Stewart-Parker did a workshop for CASE Program students titled “Gender in the UK”. Ms. Stewart-Parker is a vice principal at an all-girls’ high school in London, UK visiting Japan to study young women’s experiences in all-women’s education settings. She provided an energetic and interesting explanation of current difficulties of women in the UK and policies the government and corporations are carrying out to lessen the gender gap between men and women. CASE Program students interacted with her while discussing the situation of women in Japan and comparing it to women in the UK. It was truly a learning-experience for first year to fourth-year workshop participants. 
Some things students said they were surprised to learn that the situation between Japan and the UK were not as different as they had thought. Women are still expected to do most of the household duties and receive less pay than men. There are more women in government and management positions in the UK. However, the quality of healthcare in Japan is higher than the UK. Despite this, students were impressed with what British government is doing to support women experiencing menopause and lessen the gender gap. The workshop helped older students learn about women outside of Japan and motivated younger students to be more interested in studying about gender in the future. 
