Slogan & Logo


Always rising to a new challenge.

Always rising to a new challenge いつの時代も、新しきを生きる。 同志社女子大学

This slogan conveys the message “always let your originality shine as you respond to the changes of the times.”
Inspired by the determination of Joseph Hardy Neesima in founding Doshisha, and by the life of his wife, Yae Neesima, whom he called a "handsome woman," the words of the slogan evokes the spirit of “tradition and innovation” that is unique to D.W.C.L.A.
We believe that this slogan, inspired by D.W.C.L.A’s roots, represents our tradition of venturing into new realms of education and research throughout our 135-year history. The spirit of this message can be shared not only among current students but also with alumnae and other members of the broader college community. The slogan is bilingual in Japanese and English in order to reach a wider audience.

Communication Logo



  1. WATASHI = ("I") Individual students who study with eagerness and determination, moving toward their goals.
  2. DWCLA = Doshisha Women's College of Liberal Arts supports students by offering a positive study environment.

This logo represents the new possibilities for women that emerge from the pairing of these two elements. The symbolic design gives the viewer an intuitive impression of possibilities that arise from each individual's taking on challenges at our college. We use the logo in a variety of media to increase the concept’s penetration.

Founding Spirit