2021年度 春学期の授業形態の方針について



教務部長 谷 直之





【授業形態(遠隔)の判断 要素 】
・2021 年度の試験的取り組みとして、学部学科等からの遠隔授業の申請が教務部主任会で承認された科目。
・教室配当については、2020年度春学期の受講者数(実績)を基準とし、受講者数が概ね教室定員の1/2(教室収容率50%)を超える科目 。
【遠隔授業の 実施方法】
・授業形態に関係なく、できる限りレポート等による評価や授業支援システム「マナビー」等を用いた遠隔での試験による評価を基本とします 。



December 18 , 2020

From: Naoyuki Tani
Dean of Academic Affairs
Doshisha Women’s College of Liberal Arts


Policy for the style of classes for the 2021 Spring Semester

We hope to continue to conduct face-to-face classes while taking measures to prevent the spread of new coronavirus infection. In taking into consideration the actual conditions of each campus, it has been decided that classes which exceed a certain number of students will be conducted as distance learning classes. In addition, some classes for the 2021 spring semester will be conducted as distance learning classes on a trial basis in order to determine their educational outcomes.

Decisions on the style of class and the implementation method of distance learning classes shall be made based on the following factors:


【Judgement factors in determining the style of class (distance learning)】
・Classes which were approved by the Head Committee of the Office of Academic Affairs. As a trial initiative for 2021, applications for distance learning classes from faculties and departments were accepted and approved by the Head Committee of the Office of Academic Affairs.
・Classes which will exceed 1/2 of the room capacity (classroom capacity 50%). Classroom dividends were determined based on the actual number of students that were registered in the spring semester of 2020.
・Classes for which there was an unavoidable reason such as the instructor’s underlying illness who officially applied for a “Request for Distance Learning Implementation".
【Method of Conducting Distance Learning Classes】
・Classes will be conducted ‘on-demand’ style. Teachers need to ensure that they video record the lessons, so that students are able to access and view the lessons in their free time or on weekends.
【Grade Assessment】
・Regardless of the lesson style, grade evaluations shall be based on written assignments or online examinations conducted on learning platforms such as Manavi.
・Separate examinations will be conducted for classes in which face-to-face examination is indispensable for grade evaluation.
・Experiments, practical training, and practical skills will be conducted face-to-face.